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번호 구분 제목 일자
5252 독해 NKorean Leader Calls for Meeting to Review Battered Economy 2021-06-07
5251 표현 Lead nowhere 2021-06-07
5250 대화 Declining to Buy the Car 2021-06-04
5249 독해 Sponsors Hail Naomi Osaka's 'Courage' on Mental Health 2021-06-04
5248 표현 The L-bomb 2021-06-04
5247 대화 Declining to Buy the Car 2021-06-03
5246 독해 US Condemns Hong Kong's Attempts to Erase Tiananmen Massacre History 2021-06-03
5245 표현 take the pledge 2021-06-03
5244 대화 Deciding to Buy the Car 2021-06-02
5243 독해 Report: North Korea Ruling Party Creates New Leadership Post Under Kim Jong Un 2021-06-02
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